It’s Time to Get Festive!

Oh my goodness. Time is a flying. And although I’ve been engaging in many festive holiday activities, I’m still just not really ‘feeling the mood.’ Am I alone out there!? I’m one of those Midwesterns that needs snow for it to feel Christmasy (even though it sounds like that’s coming!). So, I’ll blame it on spending my time outside of shopping and festive fun, being bogged down by studying! 😉

So what’s been going on you ask? Here are some highlights!

3rd Annual Cookie Exchange. YUMMY!

cookie exchange2

Waffle cookies, sugar cookies, toffee, chocolate covered pretzels, peppermint chocolate cookies, no-bake gooey oatmeal cookies, and gingersnaps!

Driving around to look at Christmas lights. This is THE.WINNER. here in town!

NL House

It’s like a life-style ginger bread house!!!! Source here.

And of course shopping and decorating! Here is my tree and some favorite ornaments!IMG_4495

Better here…


…Or here!? 🙂


A new ornament handmade by my co-workers Mom. I love personalized ones!


This came from the trip my husband and I took to Key West. My mission is life is to get back there sooner than later. It was the coldest week in January Florida had ever seen when we were there. Honestly, that is just the kind of luck I have sometimes!


A Precious Moment ornament that I’ve had since I was little. So, well, precious!

How is your holiday season going?!

4 thoughts on “It’s Time to Get Festive!

  1. My family has had the ornament thing going on for ages. My parents don’t often put up a tree anymore (our holiday traditions have become traveling the past few years – Spain, Morocco, the Southwest and Ireland in the past five years – and my parents leave Saturday to come visit! I have bought a few on my travels with Enrique, but he’s been on a mission the last three holidays (and, coincidentally, as long as we’ve lived together).

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