18 Months

It seems like a blink of an eye ago I was writing about my newborn. Now, here I am with a full-blown toddler. Yeah, yeah, it’s true what they say time flies. Truth is, I thought life was fast without a kiddo! But when you find yourself talking in weeks and months the first couple years with a kid, it really hits you how fast all the moments come and go.

So here are some highlights of Smith.

He loves books. Some of his favorites are The Pout Pout Fish, his ‘words’ books, Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs, Peek-A-Who?, Going To Bed Book,  and A Very Busy Spider.
He loves water. We have had such a fun summer with trips to the lake and pool. But really, the hose and his water table at home work too!
He is really good with his words. I do not have much comparison and clearly I am biased, but Smith seems to have a pretty stellar vocabulary and has started putting words/phrases together. “Thank You Momma”, “Dadda Read Book” and “Milk Please” are some favorites.
Elmo. Yes, another one bites the dust. He loves Elmo!
He loves being outside. We spend, literally, every night outside. Smith loves driving his cars, pushing his cart, going on walks, helping us around the yard and going to play with the neighbor kids.

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Thank you for brining such joy to our home Smith. You are busy, goofy, sweet and I wouldn’t trade you for the world!

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