Smith Turns Three

A month or so before Smith was set to turn three, I asked the very brave question of, “What kind of birthday party would you like, Smith?” He answered with a resounding — “Paw Patrol AAAAAAAAAAND Paw Patrol!” Your wish, is my birthday command little buddy. So, here we go. Days and Days of Paw Patrol love.

First, we treated Smith to Paw Patrol Live! What perfect timing, as the show took stage on his birthday eve. He was memorized from start to finish!

On the morning of Smith’s birthday, I treated him to a donut and let him pick out the treats for school. We had so much fun, I hope to be able to do this for many years! He was so cute, he asked if he could get frosting all over his face…of course buddy!

Grandma and Grandpa Brown came to town a couple days early, so he was a lucky boy and got a little extra present preview. Cars, spiders and a Paw Patrol hat. They know him well!

Party time! Smith was breaking down his Paw Patrol decorations — quite literally. Apparently I didn’t set it up correctly. Three years old and already setting me straight, oh boy!

Present fun with cousins!

Grandpa Don’s hand-crafted ramp, complete with two water spouts!

I love this photo — the pure JOY of Smith seeing his Paw Patrol cake for the first time. Momma, FTW!!!

I found a local Mom in town that makes these amazing cakes. How fun is this! (Figurines compliments of Grandma Carol!)

Happy 3rd birthday Smith. You are unique, lovable, funny, silly, smart, sassy and all boy. We are so lucky to get to be your parents!

Yummy cake!

Cousins Noah and Kalya helping Smith test his ramp skills!

Well, we survived the terrible twos — bring on the Threenager!!!


Month 6 – 1se

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been six months since I started this project. It’s been so fun and really has become apart of my daily life. So, here we go


*Bonus – Brooks’ 5-month shot!

  1. Smooshy Momma kisses are the best.
  2. Flying baby, Brooks loves this game!
  3. Still rocking the Chase costume every night.
  4. Already playing with his car seat toys!
  5. Vacation in the Keys!!
  6. Oh wait, there is a sliiiight sprinkle practically a hurricane. Boooo!
  7. A break in the clouds, so a bike ride to breakfast it was!
  8. A little wind didn’t slow down the beauty that was this wedding. Congrats Grant and Liv!
  9. Neighborhood Halloween party.
  10. Trick or Treat with Chase and Marshall – Paw Patrol pups!
  11. Still working on baby food, still not really a fan.
  12. Lovely fall trees on my ‘walk commute’ to my car.
  13. Smith instructing us on yoga. Funny, I didn’t know yoga sent you to the chiro — I thought it was what keeps you out of it! Ouch dude!
  14. Movie snuggles.
  15. Paw Patrol Meet and Greet! Smith got stage shy meeting them and Brooks couldn’t look away. Go figure!
  16. Sitting up (with support) and playing became a fun new thing for this growing boy.
  17. Brooks loves the toss up and down game!
  18. The 2016 election. Though many are ‘glad it’s over’, I personally think it’s more ‘just starting’.
  19. Daddy retired his oven gloves, which are now a new toy favorite.
  20. Volunteering at the new children’s hospital Dance Marathon donor event.
  21. Need a chuckle!? Smith shaking his booty on a Friday night bath party.
  22. Tailgate date, Go Hawks!
  23. No Smith, we can’t take the fake, plastic dog home with us.
  24. Yoga, with fun yoga pants.
  25. Getting some of the winter wiggles out. Is it Spring yet?
  26. Story time in the tepee.
  27. Smith wants to be just like his Dad. Always.
  28. Weekend beers with Grandma!
  29. Our smiley, happy, lovable 6-month old.
  30. Smith playing morning hide-and-sneak.
  31. Six months! A half year! Holy buckets!!

Month 5 – 1SE

Here we go, month five of capture a second every day from this little thing I like to call life. Moments are from September 22-October 21, 2016. Hold on!


  1. Cutest thing, Smith crawling up to give his brother a morning snuggle!
  2. Maddie’s 16th birthday. SIXTEEN!!!!
  3. Aaron’s birthday / neighbor tailgate party.
  4. Tummy snuggles become the theme for Mr. Brooks.
  5. Moving on from the swaddle to the sleep sack.
  6. All.The.Snuggles.
  7. Telling stories and really finding his voice.
  8. Nike cuteness.
  9. When did he get so big!? Helping Momma while Daddy is away!
  10. Leamer Court tailgating, Thunderstruck.
  11. Calling Daddy in NOLA.
  12. Train table still going strong. It’s going to be hard to top Christmas this year!
  13. Colorado baby butt.
  14. More Snuggles. They will be gone too soon!
  15. Senior Poopypants. Two guesses as to which parent taught our young, impressionable toddler this phrase. #notmomma
  16. Picture day at school.
  17. Back home to G&G’s house in Iowa Falls. Lots of fun with dirt and tractors!!
  18. Tractor rides with Farmer Landon.
  19. “Chase is on the case!”
  20. Old toys become new again as we start spending more time inside. 😦
  21. Weekend walks with sleepy babies, podcasts, and fall leaves.
  22. Date Night Done Right – Book of Mormon!
  23. Playtime with Smith Chase.
  24. Family outing to the Rec Center for waffle breakfast, indoor playground and the library.
  25. Painting pumpkins.
  26. First bite of food!! Not a huge fan of carrots, but we’ll keep trying!
  27. Puzzles, this kid loves puzzles.
  28. Brooks is really starting to sit up.
  29. Chase, now with side-kick Marshall.
  30. All the tummy naps.

Month 4 – 1SE

Another wonderful month of busy moments and calm nights at home. Well, as calm as you can be with a toddler in your life. Here we go! Life from August 22-September 21, 2016.


  1. Family Dinner. (Fish, Couscous, Carrots and Milk)
  2. Brooks rocking and rolling with is tummy time.
  3. Momma reading her book to Brooks.
  4. Momma’s night out,  movie date with Aubray. We saw Bad Moms, so good!!
  5. KHAK Radiothon.
  6. Historic Night at Kinnick – First ever concert with headliner Blake Shelton!! (Singing Austin here, my favorite song of his!)
  7. A day at the Peterson’s. Smith was in heaven between the golf cart ride and playing with all Keegan’s toys.
  8. Brooks sitting up so big!! First time in the bumbo.
  9. Brooks grabbing, shaking and smiling with his rattle.
  10. Sanitizing pump parts. This is real life people!
  11. Getting back in to jogging with my neighbor. It’s painful.
  12. A glimpse of hoodie season!!! Sadly, it didn’t last long. It’s been so darn hot.
  13. Jimmy Buffett at Alpine. This marks the 5th trip Aaron and I have made to see him here (plus two others together, and an additional one for him). He’s our happy place.
  14. Park time.
  15. Niece Kayla is a teenager. Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?
  16. Big Grandma’s birthday — Mary Ann celebrating 88 years young!
  17. Brother bath time. It works, kinda. 🙂
  18. Brooks helping Momma meal plan.
  19. Paw Patrol — all day every day for Smith. He’s obsessed!
  20. Hawkeye Express train ride to head down to tailgate a bit for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game.
  21. Play time – Smith loves his letters.
  22. HA HA! I broke down and got Snap Chat. Face swap = hilarious!
  23. Brooks finding his toes.
  24. Playing catch, or rather, rolling a ball.
  25.  Project Runway premiere. Season 15, and I’ve been here for all of them.
  26. Date Night Done Right — Sister Act at Theatre Cedar Rapids.
  27. Another fun tailgate with friends and kids.
  28. Move It! Dig It! Event at the Children’s Museum. Smith loved it.
  29. Maddie’s Cross Country meet in Solon. Aaron’s first one!
  30. Typical night in the neighborhood, kids all over loving every minute of it. (Also, Smith being particular and Aaron being goofy — sounds about right! :))
  31. Brooks’ tuckered out after his 4-month shots. And those bug bites, GOODNESS!

We hit a lot of milestones with Brooks this month. Including Momma and Daddy’s first overnight away from him. It’s never easy, but always kind of nice to break the ice!!

Bring on fall, we are ready!!!!!!!

Month 3 – 1SE

Wrapping up the first quarter using 1SE. Still loving it and the memories it triggers looking back. Enjoy!

Month 3 in Lagneaux Land, July 22-August 21, 2016.

cover snip

  1. [Bonus picture] Brooks’ 2-month milestone picture.
  2. Aaron cleaning bottles with his drill. Oye!
  3. Smith painting.
  4. Movie Date with best friends Aubray, Cruz and Jaxson – Secret Life of Pets.
  5. Walking to work.
  6. Fresh new start to a book.
  7. Maiden boat ride of the summer with friends.
  8. Craft night with the neighbor gals.
  9. Friday donuts at the office are my jam!
  10. Bonfire at the neighbors.
  11. Haircut by Daddy.
  12. Smith walking in to our room to snuggle, with all his animals and Lovie in tow. (Gone are the days of him staying in bed!)
  13. Flying to Colorado!
  14. Paddle boarding on Lake Dillon.
  15. Gondola ride with Smith, Jess and Lexi.
  16. Cousin Noel’s wedding.
  17. The Olympics have kicked off, Rio 2016!
  18. Brother play time.
  19. Pumping. All the pumping.
  20. Resume work.
  21. Smith attempting to feed Brooks. Hehehe!
  22. Ice cream, because it’s summer.
  23. Brooks is such a happy little dude.
  24. Longview Estates block party.
  25. Rolling from tummy to back for the first time!
  26. Strep throat (round two) and more Olympics. Love the track and field!
  27. Sushi date for our anniversary.
  28. Wipers on the bus go, swish-swish-swish!
  29. Bath time.
  30. Walking around the pond looking at jumping frogs.
  31. North Liberty’s inaugural Porch Festival.
  32. Stories with Papa Jim at George’s 3rd birthday party.

Month 2 – 1SE

Here is month two in Lagneaux Land. Moments captured from June 22-July 21, 2016. Enjoy!

cover snip

  1. Stories and naps.
  2. Playing at the mall.
  3. Driveway beers – we love our neighbors!
  4. Smith reading stories to Brooks.
  5. Folding laundry – while wrapping!
  6. First bottle with Dad.
  7. Bike rides.
  8. Walks.
  9. Pedicures.
  10. Our first road trip to Spirit Lake! (It only took an extra hour and a half! ;))
  11. Shucking corn, yum!
  12. Fun at Arnold’s Park. The fishes and boats were Smith’s favorite.
  13. 4th of July parade in Iowa Falls.
  14. First smiles. And they are oh-so-sweet!
  15. Scott and Jess visit!
  16. Friend gathering.
  17. Breaking Bad binge (and by binge, I mean we watch line one episode a week!)
  18. Blues and BBQ.
  19. Smith made Grandma Barb a birthday cake.
  20. Morning snoozes.
  21. Work trip to Chicago (H&M!).
  22. Happy Birthday Grandma, thanks for staying with us!
  23. Geyer’s Pizza in Oxford.
  24. Smith helping Daddy make hamburgers.
  25. Aaron’s tomato garden.
  26. Alexa (Amazon Echo) signing Itsy Bitsy for Smith.
  27. Yoga, Ahhhhhhh!
  28. So fresh and so clean after bath.
  29. Smith making us coffee cake.
  30. Sprinklers. Hottest.Summer.Ever!

One Second Everyday – Month 1

I’m one of those gals who loves the idea of crafty/keepsake things — yet I don’t always like putting in the effort it takes. Hello Smith’s baby book that has two pages filled in. Don’t judge!!  However, I am excellent at copying ideas from those blessed with the creative juices. So alas, here is my latest little project. Thanks to one of my favorite bloggers/social media personalities, Elise Joy, for sharing this awesome app.

So what is it? It’s called One Second Everyday (1SE) and the idea is that you record one second of your life every day and merge it all together in a video. So my goal is to capture our first year of life as a complete family of four.


Photo cred.

So I plan to share it in this space with a quick note about each second. Consider this my monthly scrapbook;  Month 1 – 1SE.

  1. Brooks is born, his very first photo!
  2. I’m a Momma of two boys, our family of four.
  3. Going home!
  4. Smith sharing his Lovie with Brooks (big deal!!).
  5. A family walk on a nice summer night (ugh, post-preggo bod!)
  6. Cheers! A pit stop at a brewery for my first drink in 10 months.
  7. Meeting Big Grandma for the first time.
  8. Snuggles. All the snuggles!
  9. Cousin Ian’s graduation party.
  10. And then there were nine. All the [Brown] cousins.
  11. A relaxing night at home with our feet up and babes sleeping.
  12. Ice cream truck!!
  13. Milk coma.
  14. Smith picking on Brooks. The first, but not the last, time!
  15. DSM Farmers Market with some great friends.
  16. Cousin Alex’s wedding in Des Moines.
  17. Peaceful sleeper.
  18. Story time with Daddy.
  19. Snack time on our new table (thanks G&G Brown!).
  20. Garage Sale SCORE!
  21. Dinner with friends.
  22. Minion movie at Kinnick.
  23. Brooks cool new stool from G&G Lagneaux.
  24. Play date with the Felton family.
  25. Tummy Time.
  26. Itsy Bitsy Spider.
  27. Brooks loves the swing.
  28. Garage beers with neighbors.
  29. Fire Station fun!
  30. Fathers Day – Swim party and drive in (Finding Dory)!
  31. Tootsie face!
  32. Fishing with Friends.

If I intrigued you with this app – I’m glad. I really do love it! Some helpful hints I learned in my first month.
~Hold your phone horizontally, it fills the frame better.
~Those “moving” photos you can take on an iPhone work great.
~Don’t overthink it. For me it’s about capturing life. All of it. Not every day is fancy!
~Whatever your goal may be, break it down to be manageable. For me, it was more my phone storage that made me chunk it out, but now I’m really excited to turn it in to a digital monthly scrapbook.

Welcome to the World Brooks!

And just like that our newest little man is already one month old. My how the time flies! So here I am documenting the highlights!!

The Day Brooks Was Born.
It was Saturday, May 21st. Just a normal weekend at home that started with a trip to the Farmer’s Market and park, followed by some yard work. Which I’ll fondly thank as the ‘trick’ that helped kick off those contractions! 🙂 I started timing my contractions around 5-5:30pm and told Aaron it was time to start wrapping up projects and pack a bag (mine had been packed for two weeks, naturally!). We checked in to the hospital around 7pm. I was dilated at 6cm and it was time to start pushing fluids and prepping for the epidural. All went well and the epidural (this time!) was amazing. I felt what I needed to (pressure) and the pain was tolerable. Win! Insert about 25 minutes of pushing and HE arrived at 9:41pm at a solid 8lbs 5oz and 20.5in long! We had a slight scare when the doctor realized the cord was wrapped around his head twice, so we had to use a vac on my last round of pushes, but I worked hard and the vac did it’s job and he came out a little blue, but beautiful! Just like that, you ask? Yes, just like that. I’ll remain forever grateful that round two was so smooth. I truly know how lucky that makes me! Welcome to the world Brooks Aaron Lagneaux.

The First Month.
Phew, what a whirlwind! Our first month as been busy with weddings, graduations, family gatherings and lots of love! Here are some photo highlights to remember how we started off as a family of 4!


You are here! Our first selfie with you, of course. Skin to skin is the most amazing thing. See how he’s a little blue? But perfect, just perfect!


And then there were four. I can’t deny that it took me a few moments to settle in to the fact that I now have two boys. And we are done with two, so alas, I’m simply not going to be a Mom of a girl. A bummer in some ways, of course. But oh how fun life with two boys will be! I can’t wait to watch them grow, fight, love and be best friends.

Celebrate Good Times.

A family BBQ at our house where you got to meet all the Brown family cousins. Whoohooo, you make NINE!

Processed with MOLDIV

Another family BBQ. This time celebrating cousin Ian’s high school graduation. He is going to be a Cyclone in the fall, but we love him anyways! 🙂


Next up was cousin Alex’s wedding in Des Moines. Quite a celebration for your two-week birthday. She was the most stunning bride and you were a great date for Daddy and I to bring along!


Father’s Day is here and it’s safe to say that you helped make for one happy Daddy. To say he’s thrilled to have his boyS is an understatement. He also loves this maple tree. I look forward to documenting this same photo for years to come!

One Month.

One month young! He eats about every three-ish hours. Get decent stretches at night of sleep (yay!). Loves to be swaddled and held. Loves walks and car trips. And is already showing a bit of personality. Low-key and happy. Can’t complain there!


You are a smiley baby, but I have to work for it a little bit. Well worth the effort! 🙂


So far, your brother hasn’t totally kicked you in the face or dropped you…so we call that a success! He reads to you, shares his lovie (this is huge, trust me!!!!), and asks to hold you often. You are fun now, but I’m sure once you start stealing his toys that’ll change. But in this moment, we relish in the love and admiration he has of you and your tininess.

And so do we.

Babymoon Staycation

Well here I am, around 37 weeks on this baby cooking adventure, and Aaron and I enjoyed a great babymoon staycation. My Mom and Dad graciously took Smith for a long weekend and we took full advantage. You always miss your kiddo(s) when they are gone, but boy do you realize how much you can DO too!!

So here is our weekend. It can be summed up with two things. FOOD and CLEANING! With a little side of fun!!

One of the biggest changes, and things we miss, since becoming parents is carefree dining. Ya hear me parents of toddlers? So, we channeled our inner foodies and stuffed ourselves.

Friday night we enjoyed a trip to Augusta. It’s a great Cajun restaurant in Iowa City, recently relocated from Oxford. Aaron enjoyed some red beans and rice and I tried their ‘best in Iowa’ pork tenderloin. YUM!

Then we worked off our dinners at Costco. Oh, the place that Friday night date nights are made of!

Here is our loot. I literally saved up money since the beginning of the year for this trip. The goal is to not have to ‘waste’ my maternity time running to the store for things like toothpaste, deodorant or TP! 🙂 Mission accomplished!

Then we packed on some more calories with a pregnant version of a night cap. Coldstone. OMG. I haven’t been to one of these for, honestly, a good couple years. Might not have to let that happen again!

Saturday was all about cleaning. Has my husband said – ‘the true definition of nesting’. I can’t deny that. But it was also the fact that I haven’t had a day of cleaning without a toddler at my feet since we moved in. Literally. So I actually had the time and chance to get down and get the dirty. Highlights include getting both the kids’ room nice and shiny clean.

And yes, we had a moment when we realized that we ‘got the KID’S room’ nice an clean. Plural. Multiple. Deep….Breaths…..Whoa!

Here is baby’s room:

Stuck with the grey and yellow theme.

And still love the artwork all of our nieces and nephews drew for us!

Time to get that car seat in the car!!

And here is Mr. Smith’s big boy room. He’s quite proud of it! Daddy painted his walls and bed and he loves it! So do I. He’s got the most decorated and coordinated room in the whole house. Go figure! 😉

PS-Water noodle under the sheet for toddler safety = great trick for us with crib to bed transition!

There are so many stores with nautical themed decor, so I simply picked my favorites out and about. Smith picked out the octopus!

As a reward of all our of hard work, we headed off to Des Moines for a fancy dinner and Garth Brooks. AMAZING!

We ate at Django, downtown Des Moines. Aaron enjoyed the oysters. Shucks, I can’t eat raw fish. (I wouldn’t have anyways. It’s a texture thing! :))


GARTH!!! We saw him in September 2014, when he hit the road again after going in to a temporary retirement! That time was outside Chicago. We gladly took part in welcoming back to Iowa after a 23-year break. We attended one of his 10:30pm shows. The amount of energy on stage from 11:30pm-2:30am was incredible. He sure kept this preggo rockin’ and rollin’!!

Hanging with my sister and BIL! We were literally in the LAST ROW at the top. But it didn’t even matter. It’s like we were in the front row!

And Sunday was capped off with a Baby Sprinkle. AKA-baby shower without ‘gifts’, but instead everyone gets you diapers. It is/was wonderful! You always need diapers. Always!

A big shout out to my BFF who hosted the event and to all the special gals who took time out of their days and way from their families to help celebrate our growing clan.

Since the shower was on May 1st, I made some fun little May Baskets. Gender neutral, of course. 🙂


I did a terrible job capturing the lovely ladies in attendance, but luckily my sister snapped a photo. I think her cardigan color choice was strategic, I hope she’s right!!

The most amazing site an expecting Momma can see — diapers that I know will last us, literally months. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


I think about the only thing left to do is have this baby!!


30 Weeks

So you aren’t suppose to compare yourselves to others, right? But is it fair to compare yourself to….yourself!?? I caught myself looking at old photos and saw this picture of when I was 30 weeks pregnant with Smith. I thought, “you know, I was pretty big at 30 weeks the FIRST time too!” It made me feel a little better.

30 weeks

Round 1 – 30 Weeks


Round 2 – 30 Weeks

But then, I took a picture of this time at 30 weeks. Ugh, I AM bigger. By what feels like an astronomical amount. I keep reminding myself it’s all worth it to welcome a healthy baby in 10 short/long weeks.

Hitting the ‘single digit weeks‘ doesn’t quite have the buzz that it did with Round 1. But it’s a big milestone to achieve regardless. I’m still in that place of ‘let’s do this already’ met with ‘oh boy, lots to do yet..let’s keep the distraction coming and the baby cooking.’ It depends on the day, and the shoes I’m fight to wear on which side of the coin wins! 🙂